お世話になった人へのお礼の手紙の書き方の例文ページ。(定年退職や転職などの理由で)退職する上司へのお礼の手紙や、自分が退職する際にこれまでお世話になった上司に出すお礼の手紙をはじめ、仕事上でお世話になった人へのお礼の手紙 […] -
ビジネスの手紙・書状のページ。案内状、通知状、挨拶状など、会社・職場や取引先、あるいはお客様とのやりとりで必要となる手紙や文書について書き方と書式、例文を紹介します。また封筒やはがきの宛名の書き方も合わせて解説します。 […] -
手紙の書き方と マナーのページ一覧
手紙の書き方のページ集です。手紙の構成をはじめ、頭語や結語、時候の挨拶、本文のコツ、結びの言葉などを紹介しています。お付き合いに欠かせないお礼状、挨拶状などの書き方と文例・例文も紹介します。 手紙の書き方 手紙の構成、頭 […] -
Manners of Funeral. In this page we are explaining the flow of ceremony of the funeral. Let’s study the manners and etiquette of funeral with us.
What is the Funeral?In Japan, as a ceremony of farewell to the dead person, visil and funeral will be held. Mo […] -
Manners of ”Ochugen”. The Ochugen is midyear present. When should we present it? We are explaining the time and budget.
What is Ochugen?The Chugen (or Ochugen) is midyear present.In Japan, there is a custom of presenting the gift […] -
Manners of “Oseibo”. The Oseibo is year-end present. When should we present it? We are explaining the time and budget.
What is the Oseibo?The Seibo (or Oseibo) is year-end gift. I n Japan, there is a custom of presenting the gift […] -
The omiai(meeting with a view of marriage) is one of the chance that men and women who are contemplating marriage meet.
The Omiai (or Miai) means matchmaking ceremony that match the man and woman to marriage.There are many manners […] -
The yuinou (Betrothal presents) is a ceremony of the match of both houses where the marriage is decided .
What is the Yuinou?The yuinou (Betrothal presents) is a ceremony of the match of both houses where the marriag […] -
Wedding. The wedding and the wedding reception are different things.
The wedding and the wedding reception.”The wedding” and “the wedding reception” are different things.Only a re […] -
The Nakoudo (go-between) is a mianing of person who contract a marriage of both houses.
What is the Nakoudo?In japan, matchmaker is called a "nakoudo". That is the person who makes the rel […]